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Setting up your True Kit Inflatable for Fishing

Setting up your True Kit Inflatable for Fishing

When it comes to fishing, everyone has their own personal ways of how they like to set the boat up.  In this post I will run through some options on how you can set your True Kit up for fishing.  The disclaimer here is that, while I am a keen fisherman, I am more of a novice than an expert.  So if you are after some expert tips and trick, check out some of the Rokkitt Kitt videos as he enjoys much success fishing from his True Kit Discovery.

So let's start with some of the useful equipment you might need:

Rod Holders

While there are many different variations of rod holders, we find the Railblaza ones the simplest to use, with the bonus that they are fully detachable when you wish to pack your boat down

Railblaza Rod Holder


Now the rod holder itself is just the part the holds the rod in place.  The mount is not part of it.  Fortunately, we fit out all True Kit boats with 2 Railblaza Ribports as part of the standard equipment and the rod holders will clip straight into these

Railblaza Ribport is a standard piece of equipment on all True Kit inflatables


As an option, you can also fit (or ask True Kit to) a pair of Railblaza Sideports.  These are universal mounts that are bolted onto the transom.  Railblaza rod holders will clip straight into these mounts, along with other gear like navigation lights, visibility flags etc

Railblaza Sideports are bolted to the transom


A fishing net can also be kept in one of the spare rod holders.  Carrying a net is recommended when you are fishing.  This means you can keep the sharp spines of the fish clear of the boat.  Simply net the fish and drop it into the fish bin.


Fishing net held in one of the spare rod holders

Fish Finders

Fish finders can be really useful and there are many models out there now that have evolved around kayak fishing that will work really well on a True Kit set up. Some don't require any installation and have a floating transducer which connects wirelessly to your phone (search castable fish finders).

For those that want an installed fish finder, one of the key questions we get asked is where does the screen, transducer and battery go?

The screen is pretty easy as you can just get a Railblaza platform which the screen will bolt to.  This will then clip straight into one of the Ribports.  Another option is to fit a Railblaza Starport to the aluminium bench seat like in this photo

Fish finder screen fitted to the aluminium bench seat

The battery solution is also pretty straight forward with some pretty cool diy solutions using plastic boxes you can find if you search online, also some nice tidy off the shelf options

Battery box for fish finder battery


When it comes to the transducer, the options are many and varied.  In the video above of Rokkitt's, you can see he simply puts the transducer on an arm down through one of the boat handles into the water.  He assures us it works a treat and I'm not going to argue with the expert!  Another option is to use a couple of Railblaza fittings including a Transducer Arm XL with an extender and clipping this into one of the Ribports

Railblaza Transducer Arm XL clipped into the Ribport


Another solution invented by one of our customers is to modify one of the QuickLok Wheels brackets into a removable transducer bracket

Transducer arm using the QuickLok wheels bracket

Another option is to use a navigation program on your phone like Navionics.  While this won't show you the fish below, it can show depth and structure and you can save your favourite spots (or your friend's spots).  You can hold your phone secure with a Railblaza Mobile Phone holder with the app running showing your position

Mobile phone holder for an inflatable boat


Fish Storage

Of course you are going to want to keep those freshly caught fish nice and fresh until you get home.  So a cooler with ice or an ice pack is a great idea.  This can be either a hard cooler or a soft cooler like those below:


Hard Cooler

Hard cooler


 Soft Cooler

Soft cooler bags are great for inflatable boat fishing


 When it comes to anchoring, it's a good idea to keep the sharp points out of an inflatable boat.  A boat length of chain should be enough to help keep the anchor in place in most conditions while still being light and portable enough to keep things easy.  Folding anchors are cheap and readily accessible from most marine shops.  However we like the nylon Cooper Anchors which are lightweight yet have great holding power


Cooper anchors are a great solution for a True Kit


If you are drift fishing (common with soft plastics or jigs), then a drift chute is really useful.  Otherwise known as a drogue or sea anchor, this bit of equipment will hardly take up any space at all yet will slow your drift rate down to an ideal speed.  We have special sized drift chutes made up for our boats which sit nicely in size between those needed for kayaks and those needed for bigger boats.  They also have a retrieval line that automatically collapses the drift chute for pulling back onboard.


True Kit drift chutes for drift fishing



Of course, wheels aren't essential for fishing but they are certainly pretty handy for getting your boat to the water and back.  At True Kit we produce our own wheels - the QuickLok Dinghy Wheels.  These marine grade stainless wheels will help you get the boat, engine and all the gear into the water.  When you are out on the water they simply lift up into the up position.  Then when you want to pack your boat down they can be removed with a single click of the slide plate


QuickLok Dinghy Wheels


Recording Your Catch

In the "not essential but fun to have" category is a GoPro boom.  These neat little GoPro holders will help you record those moments when you land the big one!  The GoPro boom will clip straight into a Ribport or Sideport or you can even fit your boat out with a special mount up near the bow just for this purpose.

GoPro Boom on a True Kit inflatable


This still is taken from a video shot onboard with a GoPro


Rokkitt landing a marlin onto a True Kit Discovery


Extra Mounts

If you wish to fit your True Kit boat out with extra fittings you may decide to tackle installing extra Ribports.  These handy mounts can be used for fish finders, rod holders, navigation lights, GoPro booms, bimini tops etc etc.   Remember, every True Kit boat comes standard with 2 Ribports.  If you wish to add more we made a special installation video just for you


Be Seen - Have Some Lights

Often the best fishing in early in the morning or later in the evening.  The chances are you will be heading out or coming home in less than ideal light conditions.  Be safe - be seen!  It is simple to clip an light into one of the mounts that you have on the boat.  Railblaza even do an extension pole to get the light up higher for even better visibility.


Navigation light installed on a True Kit


True Kit Fishing Hall of Fame

So go on, fit your True Kit out for how you like to do your fishing.  Load up with your tackle box, baits and jigs, all your safe gear including lifejackets and get out on the water for a good session!

True Kit fishing hall of fame

True Kit Fishing Hall of Fame

 True Kit Fishing Hall of Fame

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